Vol.09 生粋のブルックリンスタイルを手に入るなら...

文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo

Vol.09 生粋のブルックリンスタイルを手に入るならここ! そんな注目ショップがオープンしました。

Where to go for genuine Brooklyn style! A new shop is capturing attention.


2年前、ブッシュウィックの隣り町リッジウッドの住宅街にオープンしたメンズショップ、MADISON NEW YORK。 MADISON NEW YORK: a men’s shop that opened two years ago in the residential neighborhood of Ridgewood, the town next to Bushwick.


Since I usually take a subway wherever I go, on those rare days when I take a cab, I find myself captivated by the surrounding scenery. This is what happened when I was returning home from JFK Airport. Arriving back from a trip to Japan, I had so much luggage that I hopped into a cab without a second thought. We were passing by uneventfully through the residential neighborhood of Ridgewood. Although this area is next door to Bushwick, a factory town, this neighborhood has many families who have lived here for decades.


Gazing at this familiar landscape and just as I was feeling relieved that I’ll shortly be home, a large, confident, and very well-designed signboard with the name “MADISON” loomed before me. It was such an amazing sight that I immediately turned around to get a better look: a stylish red brick building, hoodies and denim showcased in the window. I wasn’t able to digest all the information because the taxi was moving, but it seemed to be a clothing shop. But, to be truthful, I was a little skeptical about what I saw because “you shouldn't be able to find a sophisticated shop like that in this old neighborhood.”

大人のカジュアルを提案するMADISONは、無駄を省いたクリーンな店内で、選び抜かれたブランドだけを紹介しています。 Madison proposes casual fashion for adults, and introduces only selected brands in this sleek and clean store.

大人のカジュアルを提案するメンズショップMADISON NEW YORKのオーナー、ヘクター・リベラさんはここに来た理由についてはっきりとこういいます。MADISONは現在、ジョガーパンツ・ブームの立役者として知られるLAの新鋭PUBLISHや丁寧な仕立てで機能とデザイン性の高さを表現するCrysp Denimなど7つのブランドを紹介しています。

“But this kind of shop was necessary.” Stating this emphatically was Hector Rivera, the owner of Madison New York, a men’s shop that offers casual fashion proposals for adults, on why he opened his shop here. Madison currently carries seven brands, including L.A.’s cutting-edge brand, Publish, known for sparking the jogger pants boom, and Crysp Denim, which expresses function and great design through its attention to detail.

確かに数年でカフェやバーは激増。徐々にオーガニック食材やワインの専門店ができ、服についていえば、観光名所にもなっている古着屋さんなどは結構あるのですが、MADISONのようなお店はありませんでした。ブルックリンのウィリアムズバーグで育ち、 10年前からショップ経営に携わってきたヘクターさんには、もちろんこうした街の変化やニーズが見えていたと言います。

It’s true that the past few years have seen a rush of cafes and bars opening in the area. And there’s also been a gradual increase of stores specializing in organic ingredients or wine, and as for clothes, there were quite a few vintage clothing stores that are also on the sightseeing route, but there weren’t any stores like Madison. Hector, who has been managing shops for the past 10 years, grew up in Williamsburg and says that he was aware of such changes in the community and its needs.



“Business was very slow when we opened, and honestly, it was a nightmare. But recently we’ve been having all kinds of people coming, like those who moved to this neighborhood from Europe, those who ask if we’re carrying clothes for women, and people from hipsters to professionals and sneaker freaks.” Just then a municipal bus passed in front of the store. We could see the passengers looking with interest at this shop, just like I had done from the taxi. “Oh, that bus passes by every five minutes. It might be our biggest publicity.”

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