

    文:林 菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

    text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.) photographs by Fumihiko Sugino artwork by Shun Sudo


    To all of you who love this town. Thank you, and welcome to Bushwick!

    その日の午後、P.S.147の教室では担任の工藤先生(右)と一緒に生徒たちが来年の年賀状を書いていました。ホワイトボードには来年の干支「亥」の文字も!On the afternoon of that day, the children and their teacher, Kayo Kudo (right), were writing New Year greeting cards in a P.S.147 classroom. Next year is the Year of the Boar, and on the whiteboard was written the Japanese character for boar.

    その日、ニューヨーク市立147校(Public School 147 Isaac Remsen:以下P.S.147)の小学2,3年生の合同クラスの生徒たちは、年賀状づくりに夢中になっていました。教室のホワイトボードには大きな文字で来年の干支「亥」と漢数字が書かれています。担任の工藤賀代先生が、

    Boar. 2019.
    On the day of my visit, the combined class of second and third graders at Public School 147 Isaac Remsen (P.S.147) were enthusiastically making New Year greeting cards. On the whiteboard in the classroom, in large Japanese characters were the word “boar,” for next year’s Year of the Boar, and numbers. Kayo Kudo, their teacher, explained that, “The children are writing New Year greeting cards for a contest.”

    While she’s saying this, the kids come over eager to hear comments about the cards they made. Then one little girl came up to me and said, “I was born in the Year of the Tiger.” Astonished, I exclaimed, “Wow! I’m so surprised that you know that!” Hearing this, Principal Sandra Noyola tilted her head and mused, “I wonder what year I was born in.”

    毎年「ブッシュウィック・オープン・スタジオ」でトラック・ギャラリーをしているこの通りからは、遠くにエンパイア・ステイト・ビルを見ることがでます。From this street where we hold a truck gallery during the annual Bushwick Open Studios, you can see the Empire State Building in the distance.


    Around the time I became a resident of “Bushwick, the most exciting neighborhood in New York,” I was totally inspired by all the art here, and wanted to someday hold a photo exhibition or show with the people I work with. So, I was overjoyed to learn about the Bushwick Open Studios event, and eager to participate. That joy was short-lived, however, because we didn’t have a studio to open. So, we racked our brains for a solution and came up with the idea of putting the works on the back of a truck and going to places where a lot of people gather. I didn’t have any idea at that time that this would lead to a wonderful meeting several years later.

    P.S.147の「日本語2カ国語プログラム」はニューヨーク初の、市内唯一のプログラム。対象は現在、幼稚園児から小学3年生までです。The Japanese Dual Language Program at P.S.147 is the first and only such program in New York City. Children from kindergarten to third graders can currently participate in this program.






    P.S.147 is very well known among the Japanese mothers around me as the first public school in New York to launch a Japanese dual language program in 2015. Principal Noyola, whom I had the fortune to meet through Bushwick Open Studios this year, informed me of the events leading up to the program’s establishment.
    “A parents’ group had come requesting that Japanese be taught to children at a public school. They had apparently gone around to many other schools before coming to our school. I was impressed by their enthusiasm. And since they hadn’t been able to have their request accepted anywhere else, I decided to commit myself to making this happen.”
    Principal Noyola, who says that the program is still being implemented with the help of these parents, was born and spent her most formative years in Bushwick in the 70s and 80s.
    “This neighborhood was really terrible. I remember what happened back then very clearly.”

    サンドラ・ノヨラ校長先生。赴任してまず取り組んだのは水栽培の実験室づくりでした。いま校舎の2階で野菜がすくすく育っています。Principal Sandra Noyola. The first thing she did after arriving at this school was to build a hydroponic lab. Vegetables are now being cultivated on the second floor of the school building.


    “Back then” was July 13, 1977, a little past 8:30 p.m.
    A sudden blackout that lasted for 26 hours plunged New York City into chaos, transforming the landscape of Bushwick and its surrounding neighborhoods into something resembling a war zone, with riots, looting, and arson occurring for several days. Some people say that this huge blackout provided a window for people already reeling from the poor economy to vent off their frustrations, but many of the razed buildings and homes were left as is even into the 80s. “In this kind of situation, my mother, a Puerto Rican immigrant and single mother, did not forget how important education is. Since my mother only spoke Spanish, I wasn’t able to speak English until I entered first grade.”
    Principal Noyola, who became a teacher over two decades ago, held positions in many schools before coming to P.S.147 eight years ago. “For me, it was a miracle to come back here as principal. That’s why I want to give back to this community as an educator.”

    低層の建物が多いブッシュウィック。空は広く、マンハッタンの摩天楼も遠くに見渡せます。Many the buildings in Bushwick are low buildings, with an expansive sky spreading above. The skyscrapers of Manhattan can be seen far away.


    When I became a resident of Bushwick, the most exciting neighborhood in New York, I got a great deal of enjoyment out of the townscape, which was very different from that of Manhattan. One remarkable vista was the expansive, 360-degree view of the sky. From my old room in Manhattan, I was only able to see an awkward square of sky hemmed in by skyscrapers.

    マリア・ヘルナンデス・パーク。ニューヨークの公園としてはごく普通に、バスケットボールなどの球技用コート、ドッグラン、子供たちのプレイグランドが整備されていて、夏の夕方ともなるとあちこちから大きな歓声が聞こえてきます。Maria Hernandez Park. Just like a typical New York park, it has courts for basketball and other ball sports, a dog run, and playground for children. On summer evenings you can hear loud cheers coming from all over the park.


    Another endearing place is a nearby park, Maria Hernandez Park. There’s something nostalgic about the sounds of people you can hear coming from the park. That’s because there are now many parks that are unnaturally silent due to the recent trend for such noise to be considered as “irritating noise” or “noise pollution.”

    The pizza parlor established in 1969 is a symbol of the quaint Knickerbocker Avenue. Principal Noyola was here shopping with her mother at the time of the 1977 blackout.


    The commercial district of Knickerbocker Avenue, which exudes an air of the past, runs parallel to this park. Although it now has bars, cafes, sports clubs and other trendy facilities, this shopping street with its low prices has been, and is, a strong supporter of the general public.

    P.S.147の古くて立派な校舎。その入口に描かれた大きな地図が目を引きます。The stately old school building of P.S.147. The large map at its entrance is eye-catching.






    “I am basically an open person, but I wish to broaden education through more knowledge about others, their culture, and language. We are not just teaching the Japanese language for the Japanese students, but because it has a very good influence on students who don’t know Japanese.”
    Principal Noyola says that she is always searching for ways to team up with specialists in various realms related to education and the people of the community. And one day, she even approached us at our truck gallery, saying, “After all, you are wonderful members of this community. Welcome to P.S.147!” Though I tend to become faint-hearted that “I’ll always be a foreigner here,” these words by Principal Noyola immediately made me feel positive. “That’s right! We’re members of this community!”

    ノヨラ校長先生が教室に入ると生徒みんなの目がキラキラします。ヨシ先生(奥)はもう一人の日本人先生です。The children’s eyes shine when Principal Noyola enters the classroom. Yoshi (to the back) is the other Japanese teacher.


    Just like Principal Noyola, this new—and old—Bushwick is open and bursting with friendly appeal. And, it goes without saying that the lives of the people in this neighborhood are established on a deeply scarred past. I believe that the generosity they show in accepting us—the immigrants, new residents, and even tourists—was cultivated by overcoming sad experiences.

    小学2、3年生の教室のドア。日本語で書かれたクラスの目標と「ようこそ」の文字が、この街で日本の文化が確実に育まれていることが伝えています。The door of the second- and third-graders classroom. The goals of the class and the word “welcome” written in Japanese send out the message that Japanese culture is being steadily cultivated in this neighborhood.




    That’s why I am sure that no matter what happens, this neighborhood will continue taking courageous steps forward. Even if I were to leave this beloved community in the future, I think I have finally found a milieu where I can truly say, “I will be back.”

    “Welcome to Bushwick!”
    Please come again. Or if you’ve never been here, be sure to visit sometime in the future. Please come and see for yourself how this neighborhood continues to become even more and more exciting.