みんなをもっと健康に! 新鮮野菜で街を変えていく、小さな農園のチャレンジ


    文:林 菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

    text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.) photographs by Fumihiko Sugino artwork by Shun Sudo

    みんなをもっと健康に! 新鮮野菜で街を変えていく、小さな農園のチャレンジ

    Better health for everyone. A small farm takes up the challenge of changing the community with fresh vegetables.

    「ブッシュウィック・グロース! コミュニティ・ファーム」のマネージャー、マーサ・マーさん(手前)と毎週土曜日に行われるボランティアワークに参加したみなさん。Bushwick Grows! Community Farm manager Martha Ma (front center) and those participating in volunteer work held every Saturday.


    Although this small farm is packed with many valuable things, passersby take a peek from afar as if wondering what is being done here. Martha Ma, the manager, calls out to them without any hesitation, “Welcome. Please come in!” She explains that “This is a small farm that just started in April, so even our neighbors don’t know what we’re doing. After all, for eight years, this was just a vacant piece of land full of grass.”

    赤いゲートと手書きの看板が目印。この場所は、後ろのビルにある「ライズボロー・コミュニティ・パートナーシップ」が運営するユースセンターの中庭でした。 Look for a red gate and handwritten sign. This was the courtyard of a youth center operated by the RiseBoro Community Partnership, located in the building behind.

    ビルとビルの挟閒のたった520 ㎡の土地。
    ここで100種類以上の農作物を育てているこの農園は「ブッシュウィック・グロース! コミュニティ・ファーム」と言います。

    Just 520 square meters of land between two buildings. This farm, called Bushwick Grows! Community Farm, cultivates over 100 types of crops.
     “This began as a part
     of an initiative called Bushwick Cooks, which started with a survey of what the residents usually eat. The initiative's goal is to improve the overall quality of health of
    the Bushwick community.”
    Bushwick Cooks is a program that holistically addresses health challenges while conducting activities such as introducing food that uses lots of fresh vegetables. It is an activity of the RiseBoro Community Partnership, a non-profit that has been supporting the community’s socially vulnerable, such as the elderly and low-income persons, for the past 45 years.
    “The results of the survey were not good. There was quite a higher percentage of people here who were overweight or diabetic compared to other areas of the city.

    ゲートに巻き付いているのはインゲンのつる。元気に育ったので収穫です! Green bean vines entwining the gate. They have grown well and are now being harvested.


    In a survey conducted by New York City in 2015 as well, Bushwick had very poor results. It was at the top of the city’s list for percentage of people hospitalized for strokes. On top of this, 28 percent of the adults were obese, and the percentage of diabetic patients, a disease said to be triggered by obesity, was as much as 13 percent.
    “Generally speaking, American spend 10 percent of their income on food. And many believe that ‘the cheaper the food, the better.’ There are also those who says organic vegetables are expensive and are for rich people. But their kids have expensive smartphones and the adults spend lots of money on luxury items they don’t really need. That why they can use that money right now on fresh food ingredients.”

    「『花を植えましょう』から始まったけど、本格的な農園にするため、非営利団体『ライズボロー』が私を雇ったの」とマーサさん。教師でもあり、その知識は豊富です。 “This started as, ‘Let’s plant some flowers,’ but then I was hired by the nonprofit Riseboro to make it a real farm,” says Martha. She’s also a teacher and is very knowledgeable.


    It may interest you that Japanese spend about 25 percent of their income on food. There are probably many reasons for Bushwick’s “infamous results”: Hispanics, who make up 65 percent of the residents, eat lots of rice, beans, potatoes, and fried foods; people make do with fast food at inexpensive burger chains; and many just don’t like vegetables. Bushwick Grows! Community Farm was launched to tackle the problem head on to try to solve it. Its aim is to grow fresh produce in this town.

    単作は大規模農業には向いていますが病気に弱いなどの欠点も。ブッシュウィック・グローズ! コミュニティ・ファームではいろいろな食物や花を一緒に、もちろん無農薬で育てます。 Single crops suit large-scale farms, but are susceptible to disease. Bushwick Grow! Community Farm grows various crops and flowers together, and, of course, without the use of pesticides.


    Against this backdrop, many volunteers participated in the development of this vacant piece of land from April. Today, vegetables, fruit and flowers are thriving together.

    “Single crops don’t do well. For instance, cucumbers. Of the three varieties we planted, one was ruined by insects, but the other two survived. And when you put tomatoes and carrots together, they grow better. Because of the high humidity this year, we have some mold, but we’re not doing anything right now, just observing it closely.” 

    Martha has been a teacher for a long time, and has also been involved as a food activist from time to time, and so she is extremely knowledgeable

    ホットペッパーはこんな風に育ちます。初めて見た人は「知らなかった!」「すごい!」ととても驚くそうです。 Hot peppers are grown like this. People seeing this for the first time are amazed and delighted.


    She says that many of the area’s children, and adults, who come to Community Farm have absolutely no knowledge of how many types of vegetables are grown, and so are overjoyed to actually see them growing.
    “If, for instance, the parents are impoverished or too busy, children lose the opportunity to learn about food. It’s really important to know where food comes from and how it gets on the table.”

    3時間のボランティアワークの後に始まった、お待ちかね「ブッシュウィック・クック」!今日は採れたてのグリーントマトが主役です。 After three hours of volunteer work is the start of Bushwick Cooks, which everyone looks forward to. Today’s key ingredient is freshly harvested green tomatoes.


    On that Saturday, the usual volunteer work starting in the morning involved making the foundation for the toilet walls, and harvesting green beans, green tomatoes, eggplant, mustard greens and so on. At the Bushwick Cooks program held afterwards, Martha taught everyone how to use freshly harvested green tomatoes to make salsa, frittata, and fried green tomatoes—recipes using green tomatoes, which are not a common ingredient. Everyone became absorbed in the task of cutting, frying and baking with Martha.

    生で食べることがあまりないグリーントマト。サクッとして、クセがないのでどんな料理にも合いそうです。 Green tomatoes are rarely eaten raw. Firm and with a mild taste, they go well with any kind of food.


    “The joy of picking the vegetables you cultivated yourself directly from the soil and eating them. The joy of being able to come here. Since this is a digital age where everything is about speed, it’s also necessary to lower your speed a little like this.” Suki, one of the volunteers, laughs proudly while eating the freshly cooked food. I also realized that it had been quite a while since I last saw bees flying and green caterpillars crawling on the ground. That’s when I suddenly felt like this small farm was asking me these questions. “Have you ever taken time to seriously think about where the food in front of you came from?” “Are obesity, diabetes, and stroke brought about by food habits just problems confronting Bushwick?” ““Are you being negligent about that important meal and eating fast food and takeaways again today because you’re ‘busy’?”

    グリーントマトのフリッタータとサルサソース、完成!みんなで美味しくいただきました。 Done! Green tomato frittata and salsa. It was delicious.


    “The ultimate goal of this farm is permaculture. From a large perspective, I believe that this is the only form for the future survival of humanity.”
    Permaculture is a concept of permanent agriculture and development of culture while living in harmony with nature. Standing by her words, Martha does not let any leftover food, weeds, or dead shrubs go to waste, but composts them into fertilizer. She will teach anyone who wants to learn how to do this.
    So, please pass walk through the gates. This small farm, which teaches people about many valuable things, is always ready to welcome you.

    ブッシュウィック・グロース! コミュニティ・ファーム

    1474 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11237

    ライズボロー・コミュニティ・パートナーシップ主催のファーマーズマーケットも2018年12月16日まで、以下の2カ所で開かれています。毎週土曜日の9時~15時、マリア・ヘルナンデス・パーク(Maria Hernandez Park/ Knickerbocker Ave.のStarr St.と Suydam St.の間) 毎週日曜日10時~16時 533 Bushwick Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11206