文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo
text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo
Vol.15 「カフェ」で仕事を済ませたら、その足で向かいたい「ブリュワリー」3軒。
Three breweries you want to head straight to after finishing your work at a cafe.

「KCBC」のオーナー三人衆。左からトニー・ベリスさん、スニーキー・ピートさん、ザック・キニーさん。この素敵な笑顔と出来たてビールが私たちを迎えてくれます。 The three owners of KCBC. From left, Tony Bellis, Sneaky Pete, and Zack Kinney. We're welcomed by their great smiles and freshly brewed beer.
ピカピカに磨き上げられたシルバーのタンク。そこにつなげた細いチューブから、いま、黄金色の液体がふわふわの泡をつくりながらグラスに注がれました! ……ああ、出来たてのビールってなんでこんなにおいしいんでしょうか……。
From a narrow tube connected to a highly polished silver tank, golden liquid pours into a glass, creating a frothy foam. Ah, beer... Why is freshly brewed beer so delicious?
A year has passed since Rafael Martinez at The Sampler, a craft beer bar that I introduced before in this series, informed me that a brewery called KCBC (Kings County Brewers Collective) will soon be coming to Bushwick. On this day, I was able to fulfill a long cherished dream—I was given the opportunity to try two types of beer directly from the tank. One was a robust IPA (India pale ale) with a slightly higher alcohol content, and the other was a Pilsner, the most familiar type of beer to the Japanese due to its long history of production in Japan by a major beer maker.

「KCBC」の本日のお薦めは、伝統的なドイツのペール・ラガーを少しスモーキーにした「Helles Kitchen」(左)と、フルーティな酸味が刺激的な「Beach Zombie」(右)。どちらも夏のBBQにピッタリです! KCBC 's today's recommendations are Helles Kitchen (left), a traditional German pale lager with a smoky hint, and a stimulating Beach Zombie (right), with fruity citrus flavor. Both are perfect for a summer barbecue.
「ね、香りが全然違うでしょ! それがまさにホップの違い。出来たてだからその差がよくわかるよね」
「だって仕込みができるのは週に1度だけで、あとは掃除ばっかり! 残りの6日で徹底的に機材を洗浄してるんだ。そうしないとおいしいビールはできないからね」
"Isn't the aroma completely different? The hop makes the difference. Since it's freshly brewed, you can really taste the difference."
While saying this, KCBC owner Sneaky Pete continues to go through the process of preparing "this week's beer," and looks very happy doing so.
"That's because I only get to do this once a week. On the other days all I do is clean! Over the remaining six days, we wash the equipment very meticulously. We won't be able to make good beer unless this is done."
KCBC uses over half of its expansive 500 sqm warehouse in this way to brew as much as 7,500 liters of beer a week.

私たちをブリュワリーの中に案内してくれた「KCBC」オーナーのひとり、ザックさん。彼のオリジナルビール「EXTREMELY DANGEROUS PRECEDENT」はアルコール度数7.7%のダブルIPA! Zack, one of KCBC's owners, showed us around the brewery. His original beer called Extremely Dangerous Precedent is a double IPA with an alcohol by volume of 7.7 percent!
"Beer is science. We also studied how to make and manage a brewery. It took us two years to find this place," says Zack Kinney, another one of the owners, who had watched his father brew beer at home since he was three years old. He also informed me that "One face of Bushwick is that of an artists' community, but from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, it produced 10 percent of the beer made in the United States. There was even a place called Brewers Row."

夕暮れ時の「KCBC」のタップルーム。この灯りには、勝てません……。ついつい今夜もここで一杯。 KCBC's tap room in the evening. It's hard to ignore those inviting lights... Stopped by again tonight to have a beer here.
Apparently, back in those days there were some 46 breweries in Bushwick, Greenpoint and Williamsburg, with about 12 or 14 of them located in the dozen or so blocks from Bushwick Place to Lorimer Street between Scholes and Meserole streets. In the 1850s, the wave of immigrants from Germany brought over lager beer, a "new" beer that was lighter and more refreshing than English ale. They started settling down in Bushwick and opened a cluster of breweries in what came to be known as Brewers Row. After peaking in the 1880s, this area was struck by the impacts of prohibition (1922-30) and the inroads of major breweries from other states. The last brewery in Bushwick folded in 1976.
現代の「ブリュワーズ・ロウ」復活の兆し!? 個性派ブリュワリーが続々オープン。

赤いドアが目印。「ブリッジ&トンネル・ブリュワリー」という名前には、「橋とトンネルは街をつなぐもの、分断するものではない」という意味が込められています。 Look for a red door to find Bridge and Tunnel Brewery, named so because "it's the bridges and tunnels that unite this city - not divide it."
そんなわけで昨年9月にオープンした「KCBC」は、なんと40年ぶりのブッシュウィックのブリュワリーになりました! しかも勢いはここだけにとどまりません!!
Against this backdrop, the opening of KCBC in September last year made it the first Bushwick brewery to open in 50 years. But this powerful movement is not just limited to this area.
The Bridge and Tunnel Brewery opened a little earlier at the end of 2015 in Ridgewood in Queens, the neighborhood next door.

金曜、午後5時。「ブリッジ&トンネル・ブリュワリー」のタップルームには、すでに数人のご近所さんたちが集まっていました。 Friday evening, 5 p.m. Several locals have already gathered in the Bridge and Tunnel Brewery tap room.
"Rich has been living around here for over 15 years, and had already started brewing beer. He knows a lot about the area's history, about how unsafe it used to be, and wanted to open a fun place here." So says a friend of owner Rich Castagna, who I just happened to meet at the counter. In the somewhat dim tap room that just opened for the evening, some customers who looked like locals were enjoying their first round of beer.
"I also helped him build this place, like renovating the floor." One taste of the dark beer, which was making him so talkative, was enough for me to realize how much care was taken in its production. It also took only one glass to deliver a huge punch!

「ブリッジ&トンネル・ブリュワリー」のお薦めビールフライト(テイスティングセット)。左から、ライ麦のスモーキーな香りとまったりとした甘味が印象的なダブル・ライのIPA、オークの香り引き立つゴールデンエール、強烈なヘーゼルナッツの香りがクセになるブラウンエール、ほんのりとしたバニラの甘さが魅力的なポーター。 Bridge and Tunnel Brewery's recommended "beer flight" (a sampler set). From left, an impressive double rye IPA that has a mellow sweetness and the smoky aroma of rye; a golden ale marked with an oak aroma; a brown ale with a powerful hazelnut aroma that will have you coming back for more; and an appealing porter with a hint of sweet vanilla.
もうひとつ、近所のイースト・ウィリアムズバーグにも「インターボロー・スピリッツ&エールス」という新しいブリュワリーがあって、読書をしたり、ラップトップPCを持ち込んで仕事をするローカルな面々が、今日もそのほどよい広さのタップルームで人気のIPAに舌鼓を打っています。嬉しいのは、本格的なオリジナルカクテルを頼んだり、地元の酒豪たちのようにスピリッツをロックでビールと同時に楽しむこともできること! その名の通り、「インターボロー・スピリッツ&エールス」はジン、ブランデー、ウイスキーといったスピリッツもつくっているのです。
There's also another new brewery, Interboro Spirits and Ales, in nearby East Williamsburg. Locals reading or doing their work on their laptops are there again today savoring the popular IPA in the comfortably-sized tap room. A great point about this place is that along with beer, you can order original cocktails and spirits on the rocks like the local enthusiasts. As you can discern from its name, it also makes spirits like gin, brandy and whisky.

「インターボロー・スピリッツ&エールス」はグランド・ストリートという比較的大きな通りに面していますが、周りには似たような建物が多いので、迷ったらこの左右を指す極太矢印を見つけてください。 Interboro Spirits and Ales is found along a relatively large street called Grand Street, but as many of the buildings around here look the same, if you get lost, look for these two big arrows pointing left and right.
そう、前回お伝えした「カフェ」同様、いまこの街にものすごい勢いで増えているのがブリュワリー! しかも、まだまだ楽しそうなウワサがあるのです。
なんともご機嫌な事実だと思いませんか? ということで「カフェ」と「ブリュワリー」は、ぜひ同時に楽しんでください! はっきり言って、ブッシュウィックの“いま”を堪能するなら、これをしないと損しますよ。
So, as you can see, just like the cafes I wrote about last time, breweries are also opening at an astonishing pace in this neighborhood.
"It seems like Brooklyn's craft beer brand, Grimm, will be building a large brewery around here."
Hearing talk like this makes me wait in eager anticipation for the resurrection of a modern-day Brewers Row. I might be setting my expectations too high, but at the least, in the present circumstances you can readily enjoy the precious, everyday pleasure of raising a glass of freshly brewed beer after finishing work at a cafe. That's because the breweries I just introduced here are all within walking distance of the cafes where you can do your work.
Isn't this almost too good to be true? You just have to experience this world of enjoying both cafes and breweries. Let me make this clear. You'll be missing out on a lot if you don't relish this trending face of Bushwick.

ローカルな面々で賑わう「インターボロー・スピリッツ&エール」のタップルーム。アップルブランデーにメープルシロップの甘さとオレンジゼストの苦みを効かせたカクテル「New Jack Old Fashioned」(左)と、少し濁りのあるIPA「Stay G-O-L-D」(右)は人気があります。 The tap room of Interboro Spirits and Ales is lively with locals. Popular drinks are New Jack Old Fashioned (left), an apple brandy with the sweetness of maple syrup and the bitterness of orange zest, and Stay Gold (right), a slightly hazy colored IPA.
住所:381 Troutman Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237
Open:Tue.-Thu. 5:00-10:00 pm, Fri. 5:00-11:00 pm, Sat. 12:00-11:00 pm, Sun. 12:00-8:00 pm
住所:15-35 Decatur Street, Ridgewood, NY 11385
Open:Fri. 5:00-10:00 pm, Sat. & Sun. 1:00-9:00 pm
インターボロー・スピリッツ&エールス INTERBORO SPIRITS & ALES
住所:942 Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211
Open:Thu. & Fri. 5:00-11:00 pm, Sat. 11:00 am-11:00 pm, Sun. 13:00-8:00 pm