文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo
text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo
Vol.14 本格派ロースタリーからベジタリアンカフェまで、ブッシュウィックならではの注目カフェ5軒。
From a genuine roastery to a vegetarian cafe, five popular cafes that are just so Bushwick!

ブルックリンに3店舗を構える「バラエティコーヒー」。ブッシュウィック店は古いアパートメントビルの1階にあります。 Variety Coffee Roasters has three stores in Brooklyn. The one in Bushwick is on the first floor of an old apartment building.
That day has finally come. The room next door to me has started its renovation work, creating a huge racket from early in the morning. But, no problem. Comfortable places where you can do what you like without having to worry about what those around you think and even do your work if necessary—and which can serve as "emergency shelters" for people like me in my current circumstances—have been opening at an incredibly fast pace around here. What are these places? Cafes!
The Variety Coffee in my neighborhood is close to the station, and it's open until 9 at night. That and the fact that you can drink coffee brewed from home-roasted beans for just $1.50 make it very popular. The cafe is almost full again today, with not only people holding meetings or looking things up, but also a person drawing in a sketchbook, and a person wearing headphones and composing music on his PC, tapping into the keyboard while swaying to some tune. If you get there too late you'll find it hard to find your favorite seat, let alone get in.

朝の光が優しく差し込むブラジリアンカフェ「ピタンガ」。お店の奥にはゆっくり座れるソファもあります。 The morning light filters in gently at Brazilian cafe Pitanga. There's also a comfortable sofa in the back of the store.
If that happens, take a short walk to Pitanga, a hideaway Brazilian cafe. It serves delicious freshly-squeezed juice and avocado toast, and you must order their chilled acai bowl, especially on a hot day! The coffee is, of course, made from Brazilian beans. Enjoy it in a simple combination with a Brazilian cheese bread called "pao de queijo."

「スペース・クラフト・コーヒー」のオーナー、ハワードさん。バーのオーナーに、「使わない時間帯でカフェをやらせて」と頼んだことがきっかけだそう。 Howard Chang, the owner of Space Craft Coffee. Apparently, it all started with him asking the bar's owner to let him run a cafe when the bar isn't open.
If you want to spend time in a more spacious place that is particular to Bushwick, go to Space Craft Coffee. This is actually a bar popular among the locals, and is a valuable presence that serves freshly brewed craft coffee in the open "space" during the time up until the bar opens. So you often see people who look like they're doing their work there in order to enjoy that space and coffee, rather than waiting for the bar to open in the evening.

「スペース・クラフト・コーヒー」の広い空間を独り占め! 仕事もはかどりそうです。 Having the huge space of Space Craft Coffee to yourself! Your work is sure to progress.
そう、ここブッシュウィックのカフェの最大の魅力は何時間でも長居ができて、しかも気分よく放っておいてくれること! コップの水をこまめに替えに来る人は、いないのです。
Routine, a vegetarian cafe where you can savor food made from ingredients shipped directly from a suburban farm, provides plenty of reasons why you would want to spend your hours there: a communal table sitting eight, a backyard, and a bar to enjoy wine or beer after work.
Sebastien Bee, the manager, said, "I would estimate that some of our longer customers are here for an average of about four hours." And indeed, on that day there was a customer who had books strewn across the table like a student preparing for tests the next day, a customer who kept on talking while facing his PC, and others who seemed to be using this "average length of time" quite well.
But one thing kept on bothering me. How does the establishment actually feel about customers who stay so long with just one cup of coffee?
"Ever since we opened two years ago, the people of the neighborhood have been accepting us in a very positive way. That's why we welcome everyone—those who come to buy just coffee and those who stay here a long time."
The largest attraction of Bushwick's cafes are that they let you stay for hours, and also leave you alone. There's no one who hovers around to refill your water glass.

ベジタリアンカフェ「ルーティーン」の人気メニュー、ファロという古来小麦を使った「マクロボウル」(13ドル)。野菜がとても甘いです! A popular dish on the menu of vegetarian cafe Routine is Macro Bowl ($13) made with Farro, an ancient wheat. The vegetables are so sweet!

「ルーティーン」ではスコーンやマフィン、ビーガンケーキなどもお店で焼いています。Routine also bakes its own scones, muffins, vegan cake and other goodies.
The reasons for the rapid increase of such cafes are probably the growing population and the fact that there are more than a few artists and creators who have opted to work freelance. Although freelancers don't need to commute to an office every day and can use their time more freely, they also have to be responsible for everything. Rents have been soaring over the last several years, and it's not surprising to see five or six people sharing an apartment. To address this situation, there are also inexpensive co-working spaces available, but when paying the house rent comes first, such working spaces tend to rank a little lower on the list of priorities. Let me confess. I'm also one of those who are forever sitting in front of the PC at home. For such people, whatever their circumstances, these cafes are a blessing, and many use them as a substitute for an office.

カウンター、コミューナルテーブル、壁のアート、ほどよい日差し。「ルーティーン」には長居したくなる理由が揃っています。 A counter, communal table, murals, and just the right amount of sunlight. Routine has all the reasons for wanting to stay a long time.
But then Blue Bottle Coffee, overwhelmingly popular in New York as a leading third wave coffee shop, joined the crowd. I was frankly a little worried that my favorite little Bushwick cafes might lose to Blue Bottle.
"No, no. Actually, it's great!" said Jim Osborn, the vice president of City of Saints, an authentic roastery that carefully prepares its original flavored coffee every day.
"That's because it brings more people to this neighborhood. Rather than working against other cafes, we can help each other."

グラフィティ、倉庫、オープンマインド! 「シティ・オブ・セインツ」はこの街らしいカフェ&ロースタリーです。 Graffiti, a warehouse, and an open mind. City of Saints is a cafe and roastery that fits perfectly in this neighborhood.
That being the case, the cafe scene in this part of town is still evolving. By the way, I had heard that a certain amount of background noise raises concentration, and so I tried it and found that a bustling cafe is surprisingly good for work that requires you to use your brain. After that, as I sit there for a while just people-watching, the soothing effect of coffee, i.e., its aroma and flavor, finally seems to kick in. I loosen up, and by the time I reach home, I often feel as refreshed as if I had been to a hot springs.
If you have the opportunity to come to a cafe here, please do what you want and as much as you want. Free high-speed WiFi with a password and the availability of a power source is now considered to be normal for a cafe where you can spend some time. Videos also stream well, and it's very pleasant.

とびっきりおいしいコーヒーを楽しむなら、ここ「シティ・オブ・セインツ」で! カプチーノ3.75ドル Come to City of Saints if you want to enjoy an extraordinarily good cup of coffee. Capuccino $3.75.
住所:146 Wyckoff Ave, Brooklyn
ピタンガ pitanga
住所:207 Starr St, Brooklyn
スペース・クラフト・コーヒー SPACE CRAFT COFFEE
住所:52 Harrison Place, Brooklyn
「Braven Brewing Co.」が醸造所とタップルームを開いています。
住所:631 Wilson Ave, Brooklyn
シティ・オブ・セインツ CITY OF Saints COFFEE ROASTERS
住所:297 Meserole St, Brooklyn