文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo
text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo
Vol.10 映画ってやっぱり最高! この「バー&シアター&キッチン」はクセになります。
Nothing beats a good movie! You’ll get hooked on this “bar, theater, and kitchen.”
ニューヨークの注目エリア「ブッシュウィック」を案内する連載シリーズ「ブッシュウィックへようこそ!」。今回は映画好きの心をくすぐり、一度訪ればクセになる、ブッシュウィックならではの人気スポットをご紹介。こんな場所が家の近所にあったなら! 毎晩通ってしまいそうですね。

ブッシュウィックによくある古い倉庫。ここに「バー&シアター&キッチン SYNDICATED」はあります。 An old warehouse, a familiar sight in Bushwick, is where you find Syndicated, a bar, theater, and restaurant.
Every year, around the New Year season, I start longing to see a movie. That’s probably because as a child, my father, an ardent movie fan, often took me to see newly released films in the holiday season. Back then it was a big event for families to go see movies. I recall how excited I felt on my way to the cinema. But the number of times we go to movies has dropped significantly with the mainstreaming of rental videos and online viewing. Although watching films on large theater screens is still a great experience, it has become more convenient and economical to watch movies at home while having a beer. But that changed dramatically this New Year.

一歩入ると古い劇場のような入口が!お店の中央につくられたバーカウンターが目に飛び込んできます。 Take a step in to find what looks like an old theater entrance. The bar in the center of the room catches your eye.
大晦日:昨年、その突然の死で世界中を涙させたスーパースター、プリンスの初主演映画「パープル・レイン」 元旦:「スター・ウォーズ」の「レイラ姫」で知られ、暮れに亡くなったキャリー・フィッシャーさんが出演していた大ヒットラブコメディ「恋人たちの予感」 3日:今年30数年ぶりに続編が公開されるSFの名作「ブレードランナー」
行く年を惜しみ、来る年を新しい気持ちで迎えるにはタイムリーな内容でした。しかも入場料はいまどきあり得ないたったの3ドル! さらには上映中、あの高くてまずいだけのホットドッグではなく、つくりたての料理が食べられるというのです。「そういうことなら、今年のお正月映画はこれ!」と決め込んで、お屠蘇にもそろそろ飽きた1月3日、「バー&シアター&キッチン SYNDICATED」に向かいました。
What I first found attractive about this establishment was its lineup of nostalgic films from the 80s.
New Year’s Eve: Purple Rain, starring superstar Prince, mourned throughout the world when he passed away suddenly last year. New Year’s Day: Big hit romantic comedy, When Harry Met Sally…, which also featured Carrie Fisher, famed for her portrayal of Princess Leia in Star Wars, who passed away at the end of the year.January 3 : The SF classic, Blade Runner, which will be having a sequel released this year for the first time in over 30 years.
The program was perfect for the season when you reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. The admission fee was also incredible at only 3 dollars! On top of that, during the movie, you can eat freshly prepared food, not those hotdogs that are just expensive and awful. So, after deciding that this is where I’m going to see my holiday movie, on January 3, when I was becoming a little tired of toasting in the New Year, I visited Syndicated.

バーを抜けて奥に行くとオープンキッチンが見えてきます。お目当てのシアターはその後ろに。Go past the bar to find the open kitchen in the back. The theater is behind it.
At first, Syndicated might appear like a regular bar in a refurbished warehouse. That’s because the theater showing old films every day is located behind the kitchen at the back of the establishment.
“It’s true that there are fewer reasons for watching movies outside. But actually people want to enjoy movies even more,” says Tim Chung, the owner, who studied films in college and worked as a television and film location manager before opening the place. “So I wanted to answer this demand for ‘more.’ I’ve seen a lot of restaurants and bars in my line of work, and when I found this warehouse in Bushwick, it felt really right.”

シアターで席に着くと、こうしてウエイターさんが注文を取りに来てくれます。上映中の追加オーダーももちろんOK! When you take a seat in the theater, a waiter comes over to take your order. You can place additional orders during the screening, too.
In this theater, created in a location that instantly charmed a location professional, there were people who were enjoying the short time before the start of the film by having a drink or eating fried chicken. Just about the only difference between this place and other movie theaters was the half-moon table with a clipboard holding a menu and pencil. Regarding the two other clips on the table, the waiter said, “If you want to order something during the movie, use the pencil to circle the item on the menu and fasten it with this clip. I’ll come by to take it.”
My New Year movie, “Blade Runner,” along with my meal of crispy French fries and draft beer, ended some two hours later. The bill came to 20 dollars, which is about what it would cost to have dinner out. But I clearly felt very relaxed, just as if I had been watching a movie at a friend’s house. And it left me with the feeling of wanting to come again and enjoy it “more.”

60席あるシアターはあっという間にほぼ満席に!ときどき新作の上映もしていて、なんと5ドルから楽しめます。Nearly all of the theater’s 60 seats were filled in no time. New films are also shown at times, and can be enjoyed from just 5 dollars!
実は、いまニューヨークではこうした料理やカクテルなどを提供する封切の映画館が徐々に増え始めています。料金は新作なので15ドル。それに飲食代となると、お値段的には「館内で食べなくてもいいかな」と思うかもしれません。またクラシック映画はミュージアムや専門シアターなどで8ドル位から観られるのでありがたいのですが、気の抜けたソーダやポップコーンなどの飲食事情は相変わらず。つまりSYNDICATEDだけなのです! その隙間を埋めるように、たった3ドルで古い映画を観ながら、キッチンから運ばれて来る熱々の料理や注ぎたてのビールを思う存分、楽しめるのは!!
Actually, theaters showing new movies that also serve food and cocktails like this are gradually increasing in New York. Since the movies are new, the admission is 15 dollars. When you add the price of food and drinks, you might feel that it isn’t worth it to eat in the theater. You can also watch classic films at museums and dedicated theaters from about 8 dollars, but the food and drinks served there are the usual flat soda and popcorn.
In other words, Syndicated fills in this gap by being the only place where you can watch old movies from 3 dollars and enjoy hot dishes from the kitchen and a freshly poured glass of beer.

シアターメニューの一番人気HOT MESS CHICKEN SANDWICH(右、$15)。ホームメイド・コーンドッグ(左、$12)は映画館らしいメニュー。ラム酒がきいたアダルト・ミルクシェイク(右奥、$13)もおすすめです。Hot Mess Chicken Sandwich (right, $15) is the most popular item on the theater menu. A theater-like dish is the Homemade Corn Dog (left, $12). The Adult Milkshake (back right, $13) with rum is also recommended.
“Since new events are always underway all over Bushwick, isn’t this the perfect place to ‘enjoy’ things?” Tim’s answer to enjoying things “more,” brought back that feeling of excitement I had on my way to the movies, for the first time in years. I am now thoroughly addicted to “watching movies at Syndicated.
”If you’re just drinking at the bar, having a drink with classic movies is just great!

映画が終わってもバーでもう一杯できますよ! After the movie, you can always stop by the bar to have another drink!
最後に、もし現在映画を制作中、またはいつか上映したい作品があるという方がいたらぜひSYNDICATEDのことを憶えておいてください。通常スケジュール以外の時間なら、スクリーニングはいつでも大歓迎で、しかも独立系なら費用も割り引いてくれるそうなのです! とにもかくにも、まずは一杯片手に、ロケーションスカウトをしてみてはいかがでしょうか?
Finally, keep Syndicated in mind if you are currently making a film, or if you have a film that you would like to screen one of these days. Filmmakers are welcome to screen their films during hours other than the regularly scheduled program, and there’s even a discount for indie films. In any case, why not scout out this location with a drink in hand?
住所:40 Bogart Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206
入場料 :クラシック4ドル、新作7ドル〜 ※2017年2月からの新料金
Fri. 17:00-2:00