この一杯があなたの人生も変える!? 「ブルックリン・サ...

文:林 菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.) photographs by Fumihiko Sugino artwork by Shun Sudo

この一杯があなたの人生も変える!? 「ブルックリン・サイダー・ハウス」にもう夢中。

The drink that’ll change your life? Infatuated with Brooklyn Cider House.


昨年末にオープンした「ブルックリン・サイダー・ハウス」のオーナーのピーターさんと妹のスーザンさん。学校の先生だったスーザンさんは、いまお兄さん以上にサイダーに夢中だそうです。Owners Peter Yi and his sister Susan of Brooklyn Cider House, which opened at the end of last year. Susan used to be a school teacher, but she’s now more taken with cider than her brother.


私より一足早く到着していた友人は、すでにリンゴの酸味と甘味をバランスよく楽しめる「Kinda Dry」を楽しんでいます。そこで私は、苦みとシャキっとした飲み口がクセになる「Bone Dry」をオーダー。2つのサイダーを飲み比べながら、気分よく涼をとったところで友人がこう言いました。「『アップルサイダー』だって言うから、てっきりジュースかと思ってたんだけど、これ、しっかりお酒なのね」

Three o’clock on a weekend afternoon in July. I was going to meet a friend from Japan at Brooklyn Cider House on Flushing Avenue, one of Bushwick’s main streets. Although New York’s summers are short, the sun’s rays are strong and the humidity is high. On a day like that you want something that fizzles, and my friend liked alcohol of any kind. So, instead of a regular beer, I decided that she should try freshly made apple cider.

My friend had arrived before me and was already enjoying Kinda Dry, which has a nice balance of an apple’s tartness and sweetness. I then ordered Bone Dry, which has a bitterness and a crisp mouthfeel that is addictive. When we had pleasantly cooled off while comparing the two ciders, my friend said, “Since you said ‘apple cider,’ I thought you meant juice. This is definitely alcohol.”

食肉加工工場だった建物を大改装!店に入ると、モダンで落ち着いた雰囲気のバーエリアが広がります。A full renovation of a building that used to be a meat processing factory. Entering the establishment, you find before you a modern but warm bar area.


Peter Yi, who ran a liquor shop in Manhattan for 25 years, opened Brooklyn Cider House here at the end of last year. The other owner, his sister Susan, says, “Peter used to go to Europe several times a year to buy wine. Four years ago when we went to Spain together in the spring, a friend said, ‘Let’s have some cider’ and took us to the outskirts of Basque. Since I didn’t like cider, I didn’t have any expectations. But when we arrived there, we found lots of cider houses all lined up, and the locals drinking cider like water with their food. It was so delicious and fun. I never knew until then that there was such a culture. That was the experience that totally changed our lives.”

バーでのおすすめは3種のサイダーの飲み比べセット$9。写真奥のコリアン・チキン・ウイング$9やタコス、ハンバーガー、パジョンなど気軽なおつまみも楽しめます。The bar’s recommendation is a tasting flight of three ciders for 9 dollars. You can also enjoy casual snacks like the Korean Chicken Wings ($9) shown in the back, as well as tacos, burgers, and pajeon.


What the siblings brought back to Bushwick was a true “life-changing Basque experience.”
Actually, it’s not exactly correct to call this “apple cider.” In the United States, this sparkling alcoholic beverage made from apples is called “hard cider.” Its alcoholic content is half that of wine, and since it isn’t as filling as beer, it goes well with meat, fish, cheese, eggs, and practically everything else.

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