Vol.19 「古いもの」を探すなら、なんでも見つかるブッシュウィックへ!


    文:林 菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

    text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.) photographs by Fumihiko Sugino artwork by Shun Sudo

    Vol.19 「古いもの」を探すなら、なんでも見つかるブッシュウィックへ!

    Looking for something old? You’ll find it in Bushwick!

    ニューヨークの注目エリア「ブッシュウィック」を案内する連載シリーズ「ブッシュウィックへようこそ!」。今回は、老若男女を問わず、いま多くの人々を魅了している店をご紹介します。それは古着や古本、中古レコード、アンティークやヴィンテージ品、ガラクタなど「古いもの」を扱う店! わざわざ足を運んでみる価値がある、その理由に迫ります。

    上:人気の古着屋「Urban Jungle」(118 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)は、市内で6店舗をチェーン展開する「L Train Vintage」のひとつ。下:「Beacon’s Closet」は1997年のオープン以来、多くのファンに愛され続けています。(ブッシュウィック店住所: 23 Bogart Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237)。Popular vintage shop Urban Jungle (top photo: 118 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237) is one of the six L Train Vintage stores in the city. Beacon’s Closet has a large following of fans since it opened in 1997 (Bushwick store: 23 Bogart Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237)

    いつの頃からか、古着屋が多く集まるモーガンアベニュー駅周辺で人気店「L Train Vintage」や「Beacon’s Closet」の紙袋を下げた人々をよく見かけるようになりました。先日もブルックリンのプロスペクトパークから来ていた知人が、「『古着』と言えば少し前までは『イーストビレッジ』だったけど、いまはここ。大きな店から小さなところまで、ついつい覗いちゃうよね」と言っていたのですが、その言葉どおり、最近、明らかに増えているのです。ブッシュウィックにわざわざやって来て、古着ばかりか、とにかく「古いもの」を探す人たちが。

    I’m not exactly sure when, but at some point in time, I began to frequently see people carrying the popular L Train Vintage and Beacon’s Closet shopping bags around Morgan Avenue station where many vintage clothing stores are located. A friend who was visiting the other day from Brooklyn’s Prospect Park said, “Until recently the place to go for ‘vintage’ was East Village, but now it’s here. I can’t help but look into all the shops here, from large to small.” Just as he said, people going out of their way to come to Bushwick to look for “old things,” and not just vintage clothes, have clearly been increasing of late.

    住宅街の一角にある古本屋「Molasses Books」(770 Hart Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237)。カフェ・バーもあるので、夜遅くまで、ワインを片手に読書ができます。 Used bookstore Molasses Books is located in a corner of a residential neighborhood (770 Hart Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237). It also has a café and bar where you can enjoy reading a book late into the night with a glass of wine in one hand.

    でも、そもそもこの街には「素質」があったように思うのです。きっかけはブッシュウィックがまだ少し物騒だった2012年、小さなけれどセンスのいい古本屋「Molasses Books」がオープンしたこと。当時、私はネットで済んでしまうため、もはや本を本屋で買わなくなって、ここに本屋ができるなんて正直、想像もしていませんでした。だから驚いたのです、「ここは、新しく古本屋を作らせるような面白い街なんだ」と。

    But I think this neighborhood had the makings for this from the start. This trend was kickstarted by Molasses Books, a small but stylish used bookstore. It opened in 2012 when Bushwick was still not exactly what you could call a safe neighborhood. At that time, I was no longer buying books at bookstores since everything could be done over the internet. I never even imagined that a bookstore would open here, and so it came as a big surprise. “This is an interesting neighborhood that can even encourage someone to open a new used bookstore!”

    「Better Read than Dead」のオーナー、デビッド・モースさん(左)とマット・ダンジェロさん。輸送用コンテナが立ち並ぶ「The Alley Flea Market」の狭い路地にて。 David Morse (left) and Matt D’Angelo, the owners of “Better Read than Dead,” in The Alley Flea Market, a narrow street lined with shipping containers.

    さて、そんなMolasses Booksがオープンした頃、ブッシュウィックの路上で古本を売っていた二人組がいました。
    「Better Read than Dead」は貴重な文芸書や詩の本を数多く取りそろえていることで知られる古本屋で、オーナーのデビッド・モース(David Morse)さんはこう話します。
    2014年春、毎日本を売るため、「屋根のある店」を求めて飛びついた先は狭い路地に輸送用コンテナを並べただけの「The Alley」というフリーマーケットでした。現在、Better Read than Deadのほかタトゥ・ショップやユニークな小物、アクセサリーの店、地元ラジオ局などが入っています。

    Around the time Molasses Books opened, there were two men selling used books on the streets of Bushwick. “For me, books are a part of life. Since I was a child it was natural for me to go to a bookstore and buy something I liked,” says David Morse, co-owner of used bookstore Better Read than Dead, which is known as a bookstore with an impressive inventory of rare literature and poetry. “Selling books on the street is affected by the weather. That’s why I jumped at the opportunity.” The opportunity he jumped at was to open, in the spring of 2014, a “store with a roof” so he could sell books every day, and the location was a market place called The Alley, a narrow street lined with repurposed shipping containers. Currently the tenants here other than Better Read than Dead include a tattoo shop, a store selling unique items and accessories, and a local radio station.

    Better Read than Deadの店内。15000冊以上の古本で埋めつくされています。Better Read than Dead is packed with over 15,000 used books.

    もう一人のオーナー、マット・ダンジェロ(Matt D’Angelo)さんも、

    The other owner, Matt D’Angelo also says with a smile, “But when we opened the store, the longtime residents here were very happy, saying, ‘We didn’t have a bookstore around here.’ And the good thing about old things is that someone’s unwanted item one day becomes somebody else’s gem.” According to the two, their younger customers come here after extensive research on books that can’t be found on the internet or in digital form or are books out of print. They say that what may be nostalgic for adults is, for the younger generation, “something very valuable that they have never before seen.”


    「Rotten Island Records」のオーナー、ザック・フェインバーグさん。「Rotten Island」は大好きな絵本の題名です。Zack Feinberg, owner of Rotten Island Records. Rotten Island is the name of his favorite picture storybook.

    このBetter Read than Deadを紹介してくれたのは、昨年7月に中古レコードショップ「Rotten Island Records」を開いたザック・フェインバーグ(Zack Feinberg)さんでした。

    Better Read than Dead was introduced to me by Zack Feinberg, who opened Rotten Island Records, a used record shop, in July last year. “I saved 15,000 dollars in seven years doing sales work. I thought about opening a store with that money and so I called a good friend who owns this building to ask if he would let me rent some space to start a record shop. And he said yes right away. So, for me, this was the place where I could make my dream come true.”

    Rotten Island Recordsご自慢の「ヒップ・ホップ・コーナー」。探しものが見つかるかも!Rotten Island Records is proud of its hip-hop corner. You might be able to find what you’re looking for here!

    ザックさんにとってレコード集めは子どもの頃からの趣味。90年代、ヒップ・ポップの全盛期にはウエストビレッジにあった名店「Fat Beats」に通いつめたそうです。そしてBetter Read than Deadのお二人と同様、こんなことを教えてくれました。

    Collecting records was Zack’s hobby since he was a child. In the 90s, during the golden age of hip hop, he was always at Fat Beats, a famous shop in the West Village. And just like the two at Better Read than Dead, here’s what he told me. “I used to go to stores to look for records. But the generation in and around their 20s, although they may know about it, have never experienced it. That’s why they come here to find records.”

    アート・ブレイキー&ジャズ・メッセンジャーズの「隠れ名盤の代表作」と言われる「At the Jazz Corner of the World」を発見!Discovered “At the Jazz Corner of the World,” said to be the best of Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers!


    Clive, a regular customer who just happened to be there also said, “It’s really exciting to find records that you’ve never seen or heard before.” It turns out that he is a true collector who has several thousand records at home. Although he already has that many, his hands keep on moving, looking for more. Zack, while watching Clive do this, went on to say, “I never advertised this store, but the reason why all these people come here is because of its word-of-mouth reputation or Instagram photos by people like Clive. I’ve used up all my savings, but I’ll keep on going because I think that vinyl records will eventually become a huge market.”

    Better Read than Dead (上 住所:867 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206)とRotten Island Records(住所:4 Stanwix Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206)の外観。 From the outside: Better Read than Dead (top photo: 867 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206) and Rotten Island Records (4 Stanwix Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206)


    There are still many more unique stores here that people like David, Matt and Zack started out of pure passion. And more new stores are also opening one after another in Bushwick. What’s so fascinating is that the “old things” they love so much is now something fresh for the younger generations.It’s clear that enthusiasm is growing over Bushwick’s vintage shops. If you can find the time to come here, be sure to check out the following recommendations. They are just some of the many captivating stores you’ll find in Bushwick.

    WORSHIP NYC(住所:117 Wilson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237) カジュアルからハイエンドなブランドまで、きれいな一着が見つかるおすすめの古着屋さん。メンズも充実しています。 WORSHIP NYC(117 Wilson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237)A recommended vintage clothing store where you can find something nice from casual to high-end brands. It also carries a lot of men’s clothes.

    Superior Elevation Records(住所:100 White Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206) オーナーのエレン(Ellen)さんが日系ブラジル人だけあってか、ラテン、レゲエ、ウエスト・インディアンなどのアルバムやカセットテープが多数!インターナショナルな一枚を探すならぜひここへ。Superior Elevation Records (100 White Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206). Perhaps it’s because the owner, Ellen, is a Japanese-Brazilian, but there’s a huge collection of albums and cassette tapes featuring music from Latin to Reggae and the West Indies. Come here if you’re looking for something international.

    Reuse America Vintage Warehouse(住所:387 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206) 広い店内はまるで「ひっくり返したおもちゃ箱」。ヴィンテージ小物、アンティーク家具、ガラクタなど何でも見つかるお店です。Reuse America Vintage Warehouse (387 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206). The expansive store space is like an “overturned toy chest.” Here you can find anything from vintage items and antique furniture to odds and ends.