Vol.06 ただの筋トレじゃない! 人気のクロスフィットをご存じですか?


    文:林菜穂子(baCe Inc.) 写真:Fumihiko Sugino アートワーク:Shun Sudo

    text by Nahoko Hayashi(baCe, Inc.), photographs by Fumihiko Sugino, artwork by Shun Sudo

    Vol.06 ただの筋トレじゃない! 人気のクロスフィットをご存じですか?

    Not your ordinary strength training! Have you heard of the popular CrossFit?


    「クロスフィット」の創設者、グレッグ・グラスマンさんはもともと体操のコーチ。「クロスフィット」は消防署や軍関係者などの身体的なフィットネス・テンプレートになっていて、現在、日本には10数軒、世界には1万軒以上の「ボックス」があります。 Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, was originally a gymnastics coach. CrossFit has since become a physical fitness template, such as a fire department and military personnel. There are currently a dozen or so CrossFit “boxes” in Japan and over 10,000 in the world.


    Have you heard of CrossFit?
    Born in the United States in 1995, CrossFit is a program to comprehensively improve physical capacity such as cardiovascular function, muscle strength, and flexibility. The goal is to improve daily functional movements such as standing, sitting, and running, by performing related movements at high intensities: for instance, a round of movements are executed as many times as possible within a specific time period, or within the shortest possible period of time. CrossFit is recently creating a stir in Japan as well, with an increasing number of dedicated gyms called “boxes.”


    CrossFit “boxes” are clearly different from regular gyms. Bushwick CrossFit is located in a building that looks like an old garage. Every time I passed by the box, I would observe muscular men quietly training using barbells and rings that looked like equipment used in the Olympics. The reason for my interest was, of course, lack of exercise. But watching them, all I could think was, “There’s no way I can do such hard exercise.” On top of that, the sign at the entrance announcing the schedule for the free introduction class took the trouble to note, “Don’t be scared!”

    「ブッシュウィック・クロスフィット」のオーナー兼コーチのジョージ・リーさん。背景のグラフィティはVol.1 で紹介した「ブッシュウィック・コレクティブ」に参加したアーティスト、Eelcoに連絡をとって描いてもらったもの。ジョージさんは、以前は自分でも描くほどのグラフィティ好きだそうです。 George Lee, owner and coach of Bushwick CrossFit. He had the graffiti behind him drawn by Eelco, an artist who participated in the Bushwick Collective, which was introduced in Vol. 1 of this series. George says he’s a graffiti fan and even used to draw graffiti himself in the past.

    オーナーでコーチのジョージ・リー(George Lee)さんはそういいながら、ボックスの一番奥で気持ちよさそうに汗を流しているリチャードさんを紹介してくれました。リチャードさんは「きっかけは歩いていて偶然ここを見つけたから。体型を維持したかったんだ。そうしたら断然楽しんだよ! ひとりでジムに行ってもスマホを触ったりして怠けちゃうでしょ。でもここは違うんだ。仲間と一緒にトレーニングできるクラスもあるからね」というのです。


    “Everyone is scared at first. But that's because they don’t know CrossFit. By changing the number of rounds or the load, anyone can do it along with people of different strengths and ages. We even have a member who started at the age of 56,” explained George Lee, the owner and coach of Bushwick CrossFit, as he led me to Richard, who was working up a good sweat near the back of the box.
    “I found this place by chance when I was walking, and joined because I wanted to maintain my physique. But then I found that it was so much fun! If you go to the gym by yourself, you tend to slack off by fiddling around with your smartphone. But it’s different here. That's because there are classes where you can train with friends,” says Richard.
    What? You have friends here?


    56歳でクロスフィットを始めたリチャードさんに「ケトルベル」と呼ばれる重りを振り上げる「ケトルベルスイング」というトレーニングを見せてもらいました。体幹を安定させる効果があるそうです。 Richard, who started CrossFit when he was 56, showed me a training exercise known as the “kettlebell swing,” where you swing a weight called a “kettlebell.” It’s said to be effective for core stabilization.


    That night, nine men and women were participating in the introduction class. After a very thorough explanation by the trainer, they started by lightly jogging in place. Then after gradually moving on to motions such as raising their knees higher and faster, they began doing various squats, the main exercise menu of this class. Nearing the end of the class, they carried a weighted ball to apply load, but at this point, one woman became unable to continue and sat down. The trainer then called out, “Let’s cheer her on so that she can make it to the end.”


    Perhaps encouraged by those words, a man who had already completed the set of movements went up to her and started doing squats again as if saying, “Let’s do this together.”
    When I was a student I was totally into sports, and so this sight was very nostalgic. I recalled how I was able to miraculously do something when cheered on. The woman got up and was able to make it to the end. The one-hour class ended without any problem, with everyone clapping. According to George, “CrossFit is a competition with yourself, but it’s also a competition with your classmates. That’s why a sense of camaraderie and the athlete attitude of ‘not leaving anyone behind’ is very important.”

    75ポンドのバーベルを持ち上げるリチャードさん!この「オーバーヘッドスクワット」は体幹の強さに加えて肩を開く柔軟性も求められる全身運動です。Richard raises a 75-pound barbell! This “overhead squat” is an exercise for the entire body, requiring not only core strength, but flexibility to spread the shoulders.

    ということで、これは結局、常に自分の限界に挑戦できるメンタルの強い人向けなんですよね? と恐る恐るジョージさんに聞いてみました。すると「人生、長くなったよね」とひと言で切りかえされたのです。「たとえば歳をとって寝たきりになったとする。これはもう『ライフ』ではない。肥満や糖脳病も大問題だ。そうならないためにはきちんと食べ、運動して、よく眠る。僕がここで伝えているのは単なるトレーニング法ではなく、こうすることでより良い人生をつくることができるということなんだ」

    That being said, there’s no denying that the performance I had just watched was very tough. So, I cautiously asked George if this was an exercise geared for people who have the mental strength to always keep on challenging their limits. He answered back with the simple words, “Life is getting longer.”
    “Let’s say that you grow old and bedridden. That’s no longer ‘life.’ Obesity and diabetes are also big problems. To avoid this, you have to eat well, exercise, and sleep well. What I convey here is not just a method of training, but the message that you can make your life better by doing this.”


    That was a real eye opener! CrossFit isn’t about being a solution for lack of exercise, but directly confronts the challenge that we all face—that of “how to stay healthy until the end.”

    壁の「2016 GOALZ」と書かれた紙にはメンバーたちの今年の目標が記されています。なかには「車をひっくり返したい」というものも! On a paper on the wall titled “2016 GOALZ,” members write their goals for the year. One goal was “I want to turn over a car”!


    Even so, it seems like daily goals can be little things: “I want to do one pull-up!” “I want to become able to run 3 kilometers without injuring myself.” “I want to be number one!”And then there’s George, who was an athlete practicing Muay Thai when he encountered CrossFit. His dream was to open his own box.
     “That’s why I’m happy to have been able to open a box in Bushwick for CrossFit, a program that anyone can participate in. There are many different kinds of people living here—adults, children, different genders, people with money and people without. In the future I hope to convey this experience to more children.”


    CrossFit seems to be just another strength building program at first glance, but it is actually one that has as its ultimate goal the creation of a “better life” through mutual encouragement and support. It might be that this CrossFit is not only a “perfect” but also an “essential” element for a new neighborhood like Bushwick, which is undergoing rapid change. And, of course, since I want to be able to walk with my own legs for as long as I live, it’s essential for my life as well! Don’t we all want to move forward without fear no matter how old we are?

    ガラージのシャッターにもFCeeというアーティストのグラフィティが! 右手の大きなタイヤもトレーニングに使います。ジョージさんは「これをハンマーで思いきり叩くんだ。こういう面白いものがあると飽きないでしょ」と笑います。 The garage shutter also carries graffiti, which was painted by graffiti artist FCee! The large tire on the right is also used in the training. “You use a hammer to hit this as hard as you can. These fun elements keep you from getting bored,” laughs George.

    10 Wilson Ave., Brooklyn, NY

    10 Wilson Ave., Brooklyn, NY
    Beginners are recommended to participate in three classes a week, at a monthly charge of $185.
    Unlimited access to classes and the box is $225/month.